Friday, 14 December 2012

My Church Dilemma!!

It's well known that getting married in a church is usually the cheapest place to get married. It also happens that sharing a car park with our possible reception venue is very beautiful village church.

So it would seem that getting married in the church, and then going next door for the reception would be perfect, doesn't it!

But me being me, it's not so simple. I'm an atheist and generally tend to avoid church as much as possible. I have nothing against religion or people who practice religion, it just very much isn't for me. I feel like getting married in a church would make me a hypocrite!

I need to do some research on church ceremonies before i make a decision. I can't help but feel very drawn in by the logistic and financial benefits getting married in that church would have but it feels like a moral line might be crossed there for me - is it okay to use a church for those reasons or is that offensive to what a church is there for in the first place?!

Its possible that im thinking far too much into it but before i make any decisions i would have a couple of questions to ask.

  • Are we able to say our own vows in a church? This is important to me.
  • Does the ceremony have to reference God?

Should I decide (Mark isn't fussed either way) that its not appropriate for us to get married in a church then we need to consider where we would have the ceremony (and what that would cost) and how we would get our guests and us from the ceremony to the reception venue. It would absolutely complicate matters and so i have to decide what is right for us. 

I shall find out the answers to my questions and go from there!

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